PowerPoint is still the most widely used presentation system in the world. However, many attendees are frustrated with the over use of PowerPoint and are demanding a better way. Enter: PechaKucha 20×20. Below, is an explanation of the format and why many event organizers may see more use of this format in 2011 and beyond.

Pecha Kucha
What is PechaKucha 20×20?

It is a simple presentation format where the presenter may only have 20 slides and they can only spend 20 seconds on each slide. The whole presentation will be 6 minutes and 40 seconds.


The rules are rigid, however. No going over the time limit, no backing up or skipping slides. 20 slides in 6 minutes and 40 seconds, period.

Who invented it and when was it invented?

PechaKucha was invented by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham from Tokyo in February 2003.

Why was PechaKucha invented?

Primarily, because Klein and Dytham were tired of viewing PowerPoint presentations where the speakers either read the slides or droned on and on about information the audience members did not care about. This format forces the speaker to tighten up their message because they only have a little over 6 minutes to deliver it.

Although the data is untested, the concept is that our brains can pick up information at a very rapid rate and concise presentations are the best ones.

How could I use this concept in a meeting or event?

This concept could be used in a variety of ways:

  1. It can allow for maximum audience participation, by allowing for 53 minutes of Q and A; instead of the standard 5 or 10 minutes at the end of a presentation. The speaker must now fully engage with the audience.
  2. It can allow for many presentations within an hour long breakout session. Instead of three panel participants, you could have 5 or 6! The Powerpoint presentation equipment can be loaded with one presentation following the other.
  3. It can be used for fun! It could be used to introduce new employees, or brainstorm about new products or services at a sales meeting.

Who can present?

Anyone who has great knowledge and/or passion about what they are presenting.

What is needed to deliver PechaKucha?

You will still need standard Powerpoint presentation equipment, including a high quality LCD projector and screen rental and laptop. In addition, for a large audience, you will want to have either a lavaliere microphone or wireless mic for the speaker.

If you are having many PechaKucha presentations back-to-back, you will want the AV technician to be available to load the presentations onto the laptop in advance and be in the room in the event there are any technical difficulties.

Who can provide me with the presentation services audio visual equipment required?

If you are event planning in California, AV Event Solutions can provide you with the audiovisual equipment  rentals you need to make your next event succeed. Give them a call today!